Pac-Man: The History

Iwatani designed the game with the goal in mind to try to attract a wider audience. Because at the time most arcade games were geared towards male users, he wanted to attract more females to the arcades as well. He tried to achieve this by making the characters cuter, and more colorful.
Pac-Man was the first video game to ever use power-ups. The concept of eating to gain power was one borrowed from Popeye, according to Iwatani. He also maintained over the years that Pac-Man's shape was inspired by a pizza with a slice missing, but in 1986 he admitted that it was only partially true, and Pac-Man's unique shape was also born from simplifying and rounding out the Kanji character for mouth, kuchi (口).
When it was first released by Namco in Japan in 1980, Pac-Man didn't get the response that was hoped for due to the popularity of games like Space Invaders. The responses when it was released in the US were a lot more positive, and took competitors and distributors by surprise. And by 1982 was estimated to have 30 million users across the United States. It then beat out the previous best selling arcade game in North America, Asteroids.
Pac-Man continues to be popular, and will celebrate its 40th birthday on May 22 in 2020.
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