10 Random Facts - February 2021 Edition

1. Sometimes cherry trees don't actually produce cherries. There are quite a few varieties of cherry trees that are purely ornamental, and will never produce edible fruit. So if you see a flowering cherry tree picking cherries won't be possible. You can still find edible things on these trees however. The blossoms as well as the leaves are actually edible, and are staples in traditional Japanese sweets and tea. Beware that you don't pick off any leaves in Washington DC though, it's considered vandalism of federal property there, and could lead to your arrest and at the very least a citation. 2. Groundhogs are like furry little architects. It might be fair to say that groundhogs have some the most impressive homes in the animal kingdom. These guys are very meticulous when it comes to the design and upkeep of their homes, and this might be the reason that many animals will take over their burrows after the groundhogs have moved on, and sometimes even while the groundhog...