10 Random Facts - September 2020 Edition

1. Crabs have some really cool physical features. For instance, their stomachs have teeth to help them digest food since most crabs have rather soft mouths. Another fun feature that most crabs share is their flat bodies that enable them to fit in narrow spaces. A small amount of land crabs even have lungs as well as gills meaning that they have dual-circulatory systems. Bonus Fact: Hermit crabs are not tru e crabs. They were misnamed and are technically more closely related to certain kinds of lobsters than to their namesakes. 2. Dandelions are so much more than weeds. While scientifically these flowers are actually weeds they're still undeniably beautiful and can mean many different things. Technically the name originates from the word Dens-leonis which means "lions tooth". But the dandelion's floral meaning is to provide happiness and promise total faithfulness to a loved one. They can also represent healing since they have some medicinal properties among their man...