10 Random Facts - August 2020 Edition

1. Beluga whales have some cool advantages when it comes to hunting. Beluga whale's neck vertebrae isn't fused together so this means that they can turn their head from side to side as well as up and down. This feature comes in handy when they're locating their prey in the icy waters of their natural habitat. They also travel in small groups called pods so there are normally multiples. In addition to all of that Belugas can also swim backwards. Bonus Fact - When they catch their prey they eat them whole despite being a "toothed whale". 2. We have been fed false information about pirates. I for one feel betrayed, but it turns out that pirates actually didn't make people walk the plank very often. IF they were going to kill someone they just did it straight up, or if they preferred torture then they would probably opt for a good ol' keelhaul. The reason I say "IF" is that usually pirates actually took a lot of prisoners and kept them alive. The r...