5 Fun Facts About Rattlesnakes

1. They aren't as mean as you think. In fact, rattlesnakes only attack humans when they are provoked. A lot of times the victim has stepped on the snake and didn't even realize. They also give plenty of warning. Not only do they rattle their tails, but they hiss as well. Although sometimes the rattle cancels out the hiss because it's louder. 2. Sometimes they don't have rattles. A rattlesnake without a rattle, what's wrong with that picture? But even if it sounds weird it's true. Young rattlesnakes don't receive their rattle until they are about two weeks old, and even then it is only one section. The baby will grow another section each time it sheds its skin. And adults have been known to lose their rattle. Quick Tip: The second most distinctive physical characteristic of a rattlesnake is its triangular head. So if you don't see a rattle, look to the head for identification. 3. They don't eat very often. Adult rattlesnakes eat about once e...