10 Random Facts - March 2020 Edition
1. The American Goldfinch is a very unique member of the finch family.
They have many special characteristics including the fact that they are the only member of the finch family to shed all their feathers twice during one year. They're also different from other finches in the way they eat, other finches don't use their feet to feed very often but American Goldfinch use their feet most of the time. These adorable birds also breed later than other birds, their breeding season starts in July and lasts until September. (I had to add a picture, look at this cutie.)
2. Napoleon didn't play solitaire during his exile.
Some people may not know this, but there is a popular misconception that Napoleon enjoyed games of solitaire whilst in exile. This rumor is untrue since solitaire didn't gain popularity in France until the mid-19th century Napoleon probably played games that were popular in his time, such as Whist. When solitaire did take hold in France it was also becoming popular in England, and Prince Albert was known to play.
3. Chewing gum can be good for you.
Chewing gum actually burns calories, 11 per hour to be exact. It can also help boost your long and short term memory by increasing activity in the hippocampus. And in addition to all these good things gum can do for you there is also something that gum doesn't do, stay in your body for seven years. It is true your body can't break down the gum, but it still pushes it out.
4. There are people that live in the Grand Canyon.
Who could hope for a more beautiful spot to call home, and for about 208 living in Supai Village that dream is a reality. The village is located in the Havasupai Indian Reservation. The village can't be accessed by road, and is the only place where pack mules deliver the mail.
5. Beavers live in big happy families.
Inside the beaver's home, also called a lodge, the original couple lives with their young and the offspring that they had the previous year. Beavers don't strike out on their own for 2 years despite the fact that beaver babies (kits) can swim 24 hours after birth. When they do leave they first build their own lodge before finding their monogamous mate in their third year of life.
6. Plaid used to be called tartan.
Tartans were patterns of specific colors that the Scottish wore to represent their clans. Different colors and patterns for each clan. Over time the tartan look became more fashionable so textile manufacturers changed the name of the fabric to plaid to avoid the historical stereotype when selling their goods.
7. Avocados are newcomers to US cuisine.
That's right, 100 years ago avocados were unheard of in the US. It was in the 1950's that avocados started being imported to the country, and even then it started out in the coastal states first before gaining popularity elsewhere. So avocados are the new kids on the block. 😉
8. George Jones hated one of his biggest hits.
Apparently when Jones first heard "He Stopped Loving Her Today" he hated it. He told his producer Billy Sherrill that the melody was too morbid. He would even sing the song to a different melody much to Sherrill's dismay, "Help Me Make It Through the Night" by Kris Kristofferson. But eventually Jones gave in and it became a classic. Personally I agree with his earlier assessment, it's too morbid and I've disliked it ever since I was a kid.
9. There are a lot of castles in Wales.
And when I say a lot I mean a lot. Wales has the most castles per square mile of any country in Europe. And the biggest one there, Caerphilly, is the second largest in Europe ranking just behind Windsor.
10. You can see straight through a butterfly's wings.
Or at least you could if it weren't for the thousands of tiny colored scales over them. You see a butterfly's wing is actually an extremely thin layer of chitin, which is the protein that makes up insect's exoskeletons. But as I mentioned there are tons of colored scales protecting the butterfly's actual wings, and they give them their gorgeous coloring. But when the butterfly starts to age some scales fall off creating small transparent spots.
I would like to dedicate this month's post to my grandfather, who I will always call Pawpaw. He was born this month, and in my opinion he was one of the most beautiful things to ever come out of it.

2. Napoleon didn't play solitaire during his exile.
Some people may not know this, but there is a popular misconception that Napoleon enjoyed games of solitaire whilst in exile. This rumor is untrue since solitaire didn't gain popularity in France until the mid-19th century Napoleon probably played games that were popular in his time, such as Whist. When solitaire did take hold in France it was also becoming popular in England, and Prince Albert was known to play.
3. Chewing gum can be good for you.
Chewing gum actually burns calories, 11 per hour to be exact. It can also help boost your long and short term memory by increasing activity in the hippocampus. And in addition to all these good things gum can do for you there is also something that gum doesn't do, stay in your body for seven years. It is true your body can't break down the gum, but it still pushes it out.
4. There are people that live in the Grand Canyon.
Who could hope for a more beautiful spot to call home, and for about 208 living in Supai Village that dream is a reality. The village is located in the Havasupai Indian Reservation. The village can't be accessed by road, and is the only place where pack mules deliver the mail.
5. Beavers live in big happy families.
Inside the beaver's home, also called a lodge, the original couple lives with their young and the offspring that they had the previous year. Beavers don't strike out on their own for 2 years despite the fact that beaver babies (kits) can swim 24 hours after birth. When they do leave they first build their own lodge before finding their monogamous mate in their third year of life.
6. Plaid used to be called tartan.
Tartans were patterns of specific colors that the Scottish wore to represent their clans. Different colors and patterns for each clan. Over time the tartan look became more fashionable so textile manufacturers changed the name of the fabric to plaid to avoid the historical stereotype when selling their goods.
7. Avocados are newcomers to US cuisine.
That's right, 100 years ago avocados were unheard of in the US. It was in the 1950's that avocados started being imported to the country, and even then it started out in the coastal states first before gaining popularity elsewhere. So avocados are the new kids on the block. 😉
8. George Jones hated one of his biggest hits.
Apparently when Jones first heard "He Stopped Loving Her Today" he hated it. He told his producer Billy Sherrill that the melody was too morbid. He would even sing the song to a different melody much to Sherrill's dismay, "Help Me Make It Through the Night" by Kris Kristofferson. But eventually Jones gave in and it became a classic. Personally I agree with his earlier assessment, it's too morbid and I've disliked it ever since I was a kid.
9. There are a lot of castles in Wales.
And when I say a lot I mean a lot. Wales has the most castles per square mile of any country in Europe. And the biggest one there, Caerphilly, is the second largest in Europe ranking just behind Windsor.
10. You can see straight through a butterfly's wings.
Or at least you could if it weren't for the thousands of tiny colored scales over them. You see a butterfly's wing is actually an extremely thin layer of chitin, which is the protein that makes up insect's exoskeletons. But as I mentioned there are tons of colored scales protecting the butterfly's actual wings, and they give them their gorgeous coloring. But when the butterfly starts to age some scales fall off creating small transparent spots.
I would like to dedicate this month's post to my grandfather, who I will always call Pawpaw. He was born this month, and in my opinion he was one of the most beautiful things to ever come out of it.
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