10 Random Facts - February 2020 Edition

1. Green is the second most popular color. Green is the runner up to the color blue, which is the most common favorite color. And it's no wonder, green is used all over the world to signify things like nature, life, safety, and hope. Although if you're a stock holder in East Asia then green isn't what you want to see, because there green indicates a drop in stock prices. 2. Tennis hasn't always looked like what we know. Back in the old days tennis courts were actually hourglass shaped. It wasn't until 1875 that they were replaced by rectangular ones. And tennis balls weren't always yellow either. They used to be white, but then research showed that yellow balls were more visible to those watching the matches on television at home, and then in 1986 Wimbledon adopted the new color palette making it official. 3. Sweden is home to the world's first "sustainable" dance floor. In 2008 at Club Watt in Rotterdam, Sweden the first "sustainable...