10 Random Facts - January 2020 Edition

1. Not all paper is made from wood. Cai Lun is thought to be the inventor of paper, and his was made out of scraps of cloth and pieces of hemp material. Nowadays some paper is still made from cloth. For instance, banknotes are made out of cotton fibre, and they are more durable than paper made out of wood. 2. Swiss cheese doesn't always have holes. Swiss cheese without holes is referred to as a "blind" cheese since the holes of swiss cheese are called "eyes". It does taste better if there are holes though, and the bigger the better. You see, the eyes get bigger if the cheese has more time and heat to form. 3. Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathaway. Okay so not the Anne Hathaway we know (I'm a big fan of the Princess Diaries), but that was her name and she was a farmers daughter. They got married when he was 18 and she was 26. It all happened very fast because she was already 3 months pregnant. 4. Jupiter has the shortest days of any of the eight ...