5 Fun Facts About Zebras

1. No two zebras look the same. Their stripes are all different, and can be used for identification almost like a persons fingerprints. Their stripes are useful too, when the herd is standing close to one another the combined stripes confuse predators and make it hard for them pick out one of the zebras to chase. Scientists also think that the stripes may help cool the zebras down. Their theory is that air moves faster over their black stripes and slows down over their white stripes, that would create a convection current around the zebra, and would cool it down. 2. They have really good eyesight. In fact, we think that their eyesight in the dark is almost as good as that of an owl. This trait comes in handy for them because even at night their predators are lurking. Herds will actually set one zebra as a watchman to guard them when they sleep. 3. Not all zebras travel in herds. Grevy's zebra stallions wander alone and establish territories, females come into their terri...