We All Scream For Ice Cream

"You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!" It's an old saying derived from a 1927 song written by Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, and Robert A. King, and it is so true. So I took some time to scoop up some facts about the classic snack, and yes I know that was corny. 😀

First of all, flavors. I can't really tell you how many flavors there are in the world because anything could be an ice cream flavor. So lets say the number is unlimited. Don't believe me? While I was looking around online I found out that vanilla is the most popular flavor in most countries, but some people also enjoy their ice cream with anything from cold noodles to habanero peppers. I'll think I'll stick with chocolate.

I also found out what causes ice cream headaches. It turns out that the blood vessels that run in between your mouth and your brain tense up when something really cold touches the roof of your mouth, trapping blood in your brain, therefore causing a headache. Don't worry though I also found a cure, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth will warm it up, and make the vessels unclench.

And now for some short and random facts.

To make one gallon of ice cream, you'd need three gallons of milk.

Ice cream cones were born at the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis, Missouri. Before that I guess people ate ice cream out of bowls, how barbaric!

And finally, ever wonder how much ice cream people in the U.S. eat? The answer is an average of 5.5 gallons per person per year. Enjoy!
